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Project MUSE - Premium Collection

Die MUSE Premium Collection beinhaltet eine große Anzahl hochqualitativer Zeitschriften verschiedener Fachverlage. Detaillierte Informationen zu den einzelnen Zeitschriften sind unten aufgeführt.

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Folgende romanistische Titel aus der MUSE Premium Collection werden in Deutschland von besonders wenigen Bibliotheken vorgehalten:


Anales Galdosianos (ab 2011)

Founded in 1966 by Rodolfo Cardona, Anales Galdosianos, a yearly publication of the Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas, and one of the principal international journals on 19th-century Iberian studies, publishes articles, reviews and documents related to the life and works of Benito Pérez Galdós and his contemporaries, within a broad spectrum of critical perspectives, in addition to including studies of an interdisciplinary, transnational and/or comparative nature on 19th-century Spanish literature and culture.

Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies (alle Jahrgänge)

Since 1997, the Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies has been publishing insightful essays on the relationships between economics and politics as they come to bear on the cultures of Spain, Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Chicano and Latino United States. Past special issues have included titles such as Market Matters: Literary Culture and the Publishing Industry in Spain and Latin America; The Hispanic Atlantic; Equatorial Guinea and Spanish Letters; Barcelona and the Projection of Catalonia; On the Border.

Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (ab 2014)

The Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée is a double-blind-peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for scholars engaged in the study of literature from both an international and an interdisciplinary point of view. We publish articles and book reviews on the international history of literature, theory of literature, methods of literary scholarship, and the relation of literature with other areas of human expression.

Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America (ab 2014)

Cervantes is the official journal of the Cervantes Society of America. It publishes scholarly articles, twice yearly, in English and Spanish on Cervantes’s life and works, as well as reviews and notes of interest to Cervantes scholars.

Dante Studies

Founded in 1882, Dante Studies is the official journal of the Dante Society of America and the premier journal devoted to Dante in the English-speaking world. Published annually and peer-reviewed, the journal features engaging and fresh scholarship relating to Dante's life, work, and continued cultural relevance (Quelle: Johns Hopkins University Press).


Devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, Hispania is published by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania invites the submission of original, unpublished manuscripts on language, linguistics, literature, literary criticism, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania publishes scholarly articles that are judged to be of interest to specialists in the discipline(s) as well as to a diverse readership of teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania is the official journal of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).


Hispanófila, a journal that accepts essays on any literary, linguistic, or cultural topic dealing with the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds, appears three times a year. Articles may be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Only work that has not been previously published is considered for publication with Hispanófila. The journal, founded by Professor Alva V. Ebersole, was brought to the Department of Romance Languages at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1968. Juan Carols González Espitia is the current Editor and, to date, the journal has published 160+ issues as of 2012. (nach oben)

La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (ab 2000)

La corónica is a refereed journal published every spring and fall by the Modern Language Association’s Division on Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. It publishes groundbreaking articles written in English or Spanish on topics in medieval Spanish cultural studies, literature, and historical linguistics. Devoted to Hispanomedievalism in its broadest sense, La corónica also welcomes scholarship that transcends the linguistic and/or cultural borders of Spanish and explores the interconnectedness of those languages and cultures that coexisted in medieval Iberia. In addition to articles, La corónica features book reviews, reports, discussion forums, professional notices, and special thematic issues.

Nouvelles Études Francophones

Nouvelles Études Francophones (NEF) is the official refereed journal of the International Council of Francophone Studies / Conseil International d’Études Francophones (CIÉF). NEF publishes scholarly research in the language, arts, literatures, cultures, and civilizations of Francophone countries and regions throughout the world. (nach oben)

Nuevo Texto Crítico

Nuevo Texto Crítico is an academic publication sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center of Latin American Studies at Stanford University. Since its foundation in 1988 Nuevo Texto Crítico has been recognized as a leading journal in the fields of analysis and criticism of Latin American literature and film. One of its main objectives has always been to bring both to the educated and the general reader the best critical materials at the highest level of research, as a means of understanding how modern culture develops in every Latin American country in national and trans-national ways.

Revista de Estudios Hispánicos

The Revista de Estudios Hispánicos an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original manuscripts in all areas of Hispanic literatures, cultures, and film, including essays on theoretical and interdisciplinary topics.

Revista Hispánica Moderna

Founded in 1934 as Boletín del Instituto de las Españas at Columbia University, Revista Hispánica Moderna has been regarded since as one of the most distinguished international venues for academic research in Spanish. RHM is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal committed to the dissemination of outstanding scholarship on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literary and cultural studies. It publishes essays and book reviews in Spanish, English, or Portuguese on the full spectrum of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultural production in Europe, Latin America, and the United States, and in all historical periods, from the Middle Ages to the present.

Romance Notes

Romance Notes is published three times per year. The journal welcomes the submission of innovative, interdisciplinary articles on Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian literature and culture. Articles, or “notes” as they are called, can be written in any Romance language and in English and should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Romance Notes was founded in 1959 by Professor U. T. Holmes, Jr., and is now led by Irene Gómez-Castellano. It currently has more than 60 annual volumes published (Quelle: Muse).

The Comparatist

The Comparatist is a sponsored journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association. It has appeared in print annually since 1977 and is currently sponsored by the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and the Willson Center for the Humanitites and the University of Georgia. The Comparatist has traditionally published comparative work involving literary and cultural movements, literature and the arts, relations between European and non-European literatures, and inter-American literary exchanges. More recently the journal has also focused on the third world, Afro-Caribbean, and Central European literary phenomena. Each issue features eight to ten articles clustered around major comparative-thematic topics, such as "Theoretical Dialogues," "Post-Colonial Perspectives," "Comparative Poetics," or "Eastern-Western Relationships." A substantial review section evaluates important theoretical and practical concerns involving cross-cultural study. As a forum for literary comparatists, the journal encourages a stimulating interplay or intertextual and comparative methods, of theoretical-historical analysis, and of critical interpretation.

Women in French Studies

WOMEN IN FRENCH exists to promote the study of women writers and women in civilization in the French-speaking world. An additional purpose of the organization is to share information and concerns about the status of women in Francophone countries and in higher education in North America. WOMEN IN FRENCH is an Allied Organization of the Modern Language Association and a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

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